Week 13 Preview

Sup, how we feeling? Good week? Bad week? Good week until you saw Missouri was still ranked in the Top 25 and now you need an outlet for your anger and frustration? Yeah, me too. Well, either way, none of that matters, because it’s Friday. So sit back, set your status to ‘Be Right Back’ on Teams, and proceed with caution, as too much time on the toilet can be a ‘health risk’ according to no-fun Doctors & corporate CEO’s everywhere. The suggested solution is to avoid bringing phones, magazines & books into the ‘Boom Room’ so you can “focus on your business”. Sounds like that “Doctor” has never experienced the incessant need to escape the mundane tasks and monotony of corporate America. Some of us find solitude and peace behind that thin see-through door of a ‘Slop Shop’ stall.

Alright enough of that shit, let’s get to the reason you’re all here – football.

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